Family guidance and Religious leaders’ encouragement increase sincerity in work which increases productivity. Let’s understand the role of family members & religious leaders in improving productivity:
1. Moral support: Good moral support from family members increase productivity.
2. Education: Higher education and training can increase the productivity of employees. The family gentian takes the necessary steps for training.
3. Skills: Family member helps in increasing personal skills which increase productivity.
4. Association: Good family association increases enthusiasm in the workplace which helps in maintaining productivity.
5. Responsibility: Responsible family members share the liabilities of the worker. It encourages them to increase productivity.
6. Sincerity & honesty: Religion can increase sincerity and honesty in increasing productivity.
7. Systematic: Religion and religious leaders help themselves in maintaining the proper system in the work through their motivational speeches in the mosques.
8. Dedication to work: Religion builds up the dedication to work where he is getting paid.
9. Career choice: Family and religion can help anyone to choose a better career that matches production.
10. Attitude: Religion educates about the attitudes towards employees which increases productivity.

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