Nothing is free from obstacles. SHRM also suffers from some barriers. These barriers are related to mentality, strategy, and outcomes Barriers are classified into seven main types. All these barriers to strategic human resource management are briefly discussed below:
Table of Contents
Barriers to strategic human resource management
1. Short-term mentality
Short-term mentality and focus on the current performance of SFIRM is the first barrier. Every manager act, as a long-term focus because the organization has been established with long-term objectives/focus.
2. Strategic inability
Very often SHRM does not think strategically and he cannot think it to due in capability. This type of inability may arise for many reasons as a lack of technical knowledge, insufficient training, and the like.
3. Lack of appreciation
Sometimes top managers do not recognize the activities of strategic human resource management. So SHR manager does not get interested in doing any innovative venture. A few appreciations may get them a substantial mental boost.
4. Failure understands the role
General managerial roles may not be fully understood by managers. This failure is due to a lack of knowledge about the specialty of a degree of responsibility. This failure may create distance between these managers.

5. Difficulty in quantifying outcomes
Many outcomes may not be quantified. But SHRM tries to enjoy the contribution. This is not always possible. Participation, work, etc. type functions cannot be quantified because of their intangibility.
6. Wong’s perception of human assets
Investment in human assets may be regarded as high risk than that of technology and information. Though these technologies are run by human resources. This wrong perception may inhibit progress.
7. Resistance
SHR Managers may be resisted because of the incentives for change that might arise. The change implemented demands some incentives for efforts to execute the changed program. If these incentives are not given reasons, they may create barriers to SHRM.
In addition to these barriers, there may be other points also. For example, a lack of union support, government backing, and weak financial position of the company can act as bathers to SHR management.
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it helps me in my study, thanks for sharing.