These are some causes of the inefficiency of strategic human resource management (SHRM) where the department has been established. These causes of inefficiency of strategic human resource management in Bangladesh organizations are listed out below for the private sector:
Causes of inefficiency of strategic human resource management
1. Absence of professional management: The organizations of this country are mostly run by owner-managers rather than professional managers.
2. Absence of long-term planning & objective: Most organizations are likely to plan for long-term goals. They tend to generate profit/benefit within a very short time.
3. Structural inadequacy: Most organizations are so small that they are likely to maintain an HRM department.
4. Inadequate capital investment: Most organizations in Bangladesh are involved in services, trades, and investing a small and inadequate fund for SHRM.
5. Lack of entrepreneurial skills: Most entrepreneurs are short-sighted and need improvement to consider the importance of SHRM.
6. Lack of inter and interdepartmental coordination: Most integrating function of the SHRM depends on inter and intradepartmental relationships.
7. Inefficient HRIS and practices: Our MIS particularly HRIS is traditional and obsolete resulting insignificant contribution of the HRM department to the organizational or departmental goal attainment.
8. Autocratic and unethical practices: Moral on ethical limitations of our non-professional owners and top executives hinder the practice of SHRM in Bangladesh.
9. Political unrest and negative influence: Political unrest is a perennial phenomenon in Bangladesh that provides no room for proper management practices, particularly in Strategic Human Resource Management.

10. Lack of expertise & experience of professional managers: Most of our professional managers are not experts or shrewd enough to deal with SHRM in keeping the line of other departments.
11. Lack of HRM policies and practices: Only a handful of companies in Bangladesh have developed and tend to maintain HRM policies thus rendering the job all the more difficult.
12. Lack of implementation of labor and commercial laws: Lack of implementation of new laws regarding labor and commerce is another reason for inefficient SHRM in Bangladesh.
13. Absence or inadequate monitoring and quality assurance: The quality of our working force, as well as products and services, are not subject to be monitored regularly in Bangladesh aggravating the inefficiency.
14. Lack of benchmarking and standardization: Benchmarking and standardization are not up to the mark in international organizations working in Bangladesh.
15. Weak and corrupt labor unions: Inefficient collective bargaining agents or owner organizations are important reasons behind this problem.
16. Inefficient and unconscious but abundant laborers: Laborers are semi-or unskilled. Moreover, they are ignorant and abundant resources in Bangladesh obviously to protect against exploitation. ‘
17. Lack of security and consistency of business: The overall legal, political environment and task environment are not at all business-friendly here in Bangladesh. So organizations are not interested in esthetic practice.
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