Because the results of job analysis can be applied to many parts of human resource management even making the decision to perform a job analysis is a strategic decision in itself.
However, several other job analysis strategic choices should be mentioned.
Table of Contents
Job analysis strategic choices
1. Participation of Employees
Managers must decide the extent to which employees can participate in the job analysis process. Involving employees in the job analysis process may be wise for a number of reasons.
First, if workers are asked to participate in the process, they feel more ownership of the results and accept them more easily.
Further, I trust the results more because they know they took part in developing them. However, a disadvantage of employee involvement in the job analysis process is that employees may try to inflate the importance of their job.
Therefore, it is important to use more than one job incumbent in the job analysis process so that information gathered about the requirements is can be double-checked for accuracy.
2. Extent of Job Analysis
A second strategic decision about performing a job analysis is to determine how detailed it must be.
Should the results of the job analysis be extremely specific, such as how long it should take to perform each task, or should they just highlight the major components of the job?
The answer to these questions depends on the use of job analysis results. If a company wants to determine the salary of an individual performing the job, the major components might be sufficient.
However, if the results are to be used to determine the type of training that should be offered to individuals recently hired to a position, more specific results are needed.
3. Time of Job Analysis
When a job analysis should be conducted is another strategic decision managers must make. It may be useful to conduct a job analysis when a job has changed in any major way or when a job is added.
Also, if a department, division, or organization is restructured, the jobs impacted by the restructuring should be analyzed.
Another indication that it is time to conduct; a job analysis is that the turnover rate for a job is higher than the organization’s average rate.
This may indicate that the job is extremely difficult and that modification to it may be warranted.

4. Orientation of Job Analysis
Finally, managers must decide whether to use traditional or future-oriented job analysis. Traditional job analysis methods are to collect information about how the job is currently being performed.
However, if an organization is changing rapidly due to constant growth or technological changes, a more future-oriented approach to job analysis may be desired.
T reorient traditional job analysis approaches to have a future perspective, manage the need to predict changes that should occur in the industry during a specific tire period, and how jobs will probably need to be performed in the future.
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